
by mrsb2b | 5:03 PM in | comments (14)

I so love kissing. And blessedly for me the Mister is a good kisser.

Yes it does matter to us chicks. And it doesn't have any drama of size... okay in a way it kind of does, in terms of the lips size. But that doesn't largely influence the technique... unless you are caucasian and basically have "no" lips like my family loves to say of the fairer human species. I have never kissed someone with "no" lips so don't really have any insight into that experience (Chanel, can you help... especially since you have just come from a country that has mob of them... right Antipop?!)

Anyway, I have kissed a total of only 5... wait 6 guys in my short life and can basically recall the first time it happened for each one of them. The first was when I was in kindergaten and ofcourse it wasn't all that serious... more like experimenting. I was at Jack and Jill Nursery in Kabalagala for the last part of my nursery and there was this big dog in the playground. Even though it was in its kennel, it would actually frighten me, basically terrify me. So one time we were chilling in the playgorund when it started to growl and seriously bark. There was a boy there with me who I held on to and to comfort me, he gave me a kiss. A fast player? So true. Well he must have had something for me or wouldn't have done it... or would he have? An insight into a boy's psyche...

That was all sweet and adorable but my most memorable was with the Mister. It was after a few weeks that we had started seeing each other. The thing that hit me when I was remembering it, besides the fact that it was in a public place (which is so strange for me since I am such a private person) is that it felt so right. Kissing can feel so good, sensual, intimate... but for it to feel so right hadn't happened to me before.

And now it always feels right... even in the elevator Chanel.

So is the kissing that good for you?

In the same spirit, listening to: Kissing You by Total